sábado, 20 de abril de 2024

EUA vetam a admissão da Palestina como membro de pleno direito da ONU


- Os EUA concretizaram o 5º veto, no Conselho de Segurança da ONU, desde o assalto da potência ocupante sionista à população palestiniana; assassinada, aprisionada e controlada no gueto (ou campo de concentração) de Gaza.

Desta vez, a 18 de Abril (último), vetaram o projecto de resolução a enviar à Assembleia Geral da ONU recomendando a admissão da Palestina como membro de pleno direito da ONU (o 194º estado membro).

O texto era simples; The Security Council, having examined the application of the State of Palestine for admission to the United Nations (S/2011/592), recommends to the General Assembly that the State of Palestine be admitted to membership in the United Nations.

- O Resultado da votação foi o seguinte:

- 12 votos a favor: Rússia, China, Equador, Japão, Coreia do Sul, Argélia, Eslovénia, Malta, França, Moçambique, Guiana, Serra Leoa,

- 2 abstenções: Reino Unido e Suíça,

- 1 voto contra: EUA.

terça-feira, 19 de março de 2024

Fim ao uso da fome como arma de guerra pelo estado sionista, segregacionista e genocida israelita … (2)


- A OXFAM (organização internacional que actua no campo da pobreza, das desigualdades e da justiça...) denuncia em relatório que o regime sionista israelita bloqueia e mina sistemática e deliberadamente qualquer resposta humanitária internacional significativa à população presa e cercada em Gaza; em violação do Direito Internacional Humanitário.

- A OXFAM refere, também, que israel não só desrespeita abertamente a decisão do Tribunal Internacional de Justiça (TIJ), de 26 de Janeiro último, no sentido de garantir a entrega em Gaza de ajuda humanitária e de bens básicos; como desde que a ordem foi emitida que as condições em Gaza pioraram.

- De acordo com a OXFAM cerca de 75% da população de Gaza, 1,7 milhão de palestinianos, está em risco de pobreza. Considerando a situação humana; 'para lá de catastrófica'.

- A UNRWA (organização da ONU) estima que um terço (uma em cada três) das crianças palestinianas em Gaza está gravemente desnutrida. (O que deve representar um valor superior a 300 000 crianças gravemente desnutridas).



Israel ‘deliberately’ blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza, Oxfam says

Palestinians wait to receive food during the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan, in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, on March 13, 2024. (Photo by Reuters)

A global anti-poverty charity has denounced Israel for intentionally preventing the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip in violation of international humanitarian law.

Oxfam said in a report on Monday that Israel continues to “systematically and deliberately block and undermine any meaningful international humanitarian response” in the Palestinian territory.

The independent non-governmental organization further noted that the Tel Aviv regime is openly flouting an emergency ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on January 26 to ensure the delivery of basic services and essential humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza, and is failing its legal responsibility to protect people in the land it occupies.

“The ICJ order should have shocked Israeli leaders to change course; but since then, conditions in Gaza have actually worsened,” Oxfam Middle East and North Africa Director Sally Abi Khalil said.

“Israeli authorities are not only failing to facilitate the international aid effort but are actively hindering it. We believe that Israel is failing to take all measures within its power to prevent genocide,” he added.

The president of the European Commission warns about imminent famine in Gaza, calls for rapid ceasefire.

Oxfam said that “unjustifiably inefficient” inspection rules were causing aid trucks trying to get into Gaza to be stuck in queues for 20 days on average.

It said that Israeli authorities arbitrarily reject “dual-use” items — civilian goods that also have potential military use such as backup generators and torches.

“The list of rejected items is overwhelming and ever-changing,” Oxfam said.

It argued that Israeli officials once rejected water bags and water testing kits in an Oxfam shipment without providing any reason for their decision, before they later permitted entry.

The group also denounced “attacks on aid workers, humanitarian facilities and aid convoys” and “access restrictions” for relief staff, particularly to northern Gaza.

Oxfam noted that 2,874 trucks entered Gaza in February, which represented “20% of the daily average.”

According to the anti-poverty charity, some 1.7 million Palestinians, 75% of Gaza’s population, are at risk of famine.

“The conditions we have observed in Gaza are beyond catastrophic,” Oxfam said in its report.

Israel waged its brutal US-backed war on the Gaza Strip on October 7 after the Hamas resistance movement carried out its historic operation against the usurping entity in retaliation for the regime’s intensified atrocities against the Palestinian people.

So far, the Tel Aviv regime has killed at least 31,645 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and injured 73,676 others.

(A partir de; Press Tv)

sexta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2024

“Vespers” (ou “vigília nocturna”) de Rachmaninoff


1 - A, magnífica e monumental, obra vocal (sacra ortodoxa …) de Rachmaninoff (compositor russo) com um coro de cerca de 75 elementos.

2 - Ao mesmo tempo que a europa 'civilizada, 'democrática' e dos 'valores' (acompanhada pelo ocidente em geral, também ele – inquestionavelmente – dos 'valores') censura ou proíbe praticamente tudo o que tem origem russa (música, cultura, desporto, …); mantém escancaradas as portas (no desporto, na 'eurovisão', …) ao país do apartheid, da limpeza étnica e do genocídio chamado israel.

- É falência total da coerência (e da honestidade) do civilizado ocidente e dos países da NATO na defesa do direito internacional, do direito internacional humanitário e dos direitos humanos ...

(A UE já decretou 12 ou 13 'pacotes' de sanções à Rússia, com claro prejuízo para os cidadãos europeus, e não só (aumentos de preços de energia, inflação, aumento das prestações com a habitação, etc, etc ….). Entretanto os EUA já vetaram 4 resoluções, no Conselho de Segurança da ONU, que exigiam um cessar-fogo humanitário do seu estado-cliente e estado pária israelita (as resoluções de cessar-fogo foram apresentadas pela Rússia, pelo Brasil, pelos Emirados Árabes Unidos, tendo sido o último veto a 20 de Fevereiro último à resolução apresentada pela Argélia ...))


sábado, 10 de fevereiro de 2024

O eixo do genocídio


- Craig Murray (ex-embaixador e ex-reitor da Universidade de Dundee) analisa a decisão do Tribunal Internacional de Justiça de plausibilidade de genocídio cometido pela potência ocupante israelita na Faixa de Gaza contra a população palestiniana.



Craig Murray: UN Court Spurned Israel’s Key Argument

That the ICJ has not affirmed Israel’s right to self-defence is perhaps the most important point in this interim order. It is the dog that did not bark.

Inside the International Court of Justice in The Hague during the reading of the court’s order on South Africa’s request for the indication of provisional measures, Jan. 26. (ICJ)

By Craig Murray

In finding there is a plausible case against Israel, the International Court of Justice treated with contempt the argument from Israel that the case should be dismissed as it is exercising its right of self-defence. 

This argument took up over half of Israel’s pleadings. Not only did the court find there is a plausible case of genocide, the court only mentioned self-defence once in its interim ruling — and that was merely to note that Israel had claimed it. Para 41:

That the ICJ has not affirmed Israel’s right to self-defence is perhaps the most important point in this interim order. It is the dog that did not bark. The argument which every Western leader has been using is spurned by the ICJ.

Now the ICJ did not repeat that an occupying power has no right of self-defence. It did not need to. It simply ignored Israel’s specious assertion.

It could do that because what it went on to iterate went way beyond any plausible assertion of self-defence. What struck me most about the ICJ ruling was that the order went into far more detail about the evidence of genocide than it needed to. Its description was stark.

Here Para 46 is crucial:

The reason this is so crucial, is that the court is not saying that South Africa asserts this. The court is saying these are the facts. It is a finding of fact by the court.

I cannot emphasise too strongly the importance of that description by the court of the state of affairs in Gaza.

The court then goes on to detail accounts by the United Nations of the factual situation, quoting three senior officials at length, including Philippe Lazzarini, commissioner general of UNRWA:

This of course explains why the immediate response to the ICJ ruling was a coordinated attack by Israel and the combined imperialist powers on UNRWA, designed to accelerate the genocide by stopping aid, to provide a propaganda counter-narrative to the ICJ judgment, and to reduce the credibility of UNRWA’s evidence before the court.



The court works very closely with the U.N. and is very much an entrenched part of the U.N. system. It has a particularly close relationship with the U.N. General Assembly — many of the court’s cases are based on requests from the U.N. General Assembly.

In a fortnight’s time the court will be starting its substantive hearings on the legal position in the Occupied Territories of Palestine, at the request of the UNGA. There are five specific references to the UNGA in the order.

The court spent a great deal of time outlining the facts of the unfolding genocide in the Gaza Strip. It did not have to do so in nearly so much detail, and far too little attention has been paid to this. I was equally surprised by how much detail the court gave on the evidence of genocidal intent by Israel.

It is especially humiliating for Israel that the court quoted the Israeli head of state, the president of Israel himself, as giving clear evidence of genocidal intent, along with two other government ministers.

Again, this is not the court saying that South Africa has alleged this. It is a finding of fact by the court. The ICJ has already found to be untrue Israel’s denial in court of incitement to genocide.

Now think of this: the very next day in October after President Isaac Herzog made a genocidal statement, as determined by the International Court of Justice, he was met and offered “full support” by Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission and Roberta Metsola, president of the European Parliament.

From left: Metsola, Herzog and von der Leyen in Israel on Oct. 13, 2023. (Still from video by European Parliament Multimedia Centre)

When you take the detail of what the court has found to be the actual facts of the case, in death and destruction and in intent, I have no doubt that this is a court which is currently minded to find Israel guilty of genocide once the substantive case comes before the court.

All of Israel’s arguments were lost. Every one. The substantial effort Israel put into having the case dismissed on procedural grounds was brushed aside. So was self-defence.

And in its findings of the facts, the Court plainly found to be untrue the Israeli lies about avoidance of civilian casualties, the responsibility of Hamas for the damage to infrastructure, and the access of relief aid to Gaza.

Those are the facts of what happened.

Do not be confused by the absence of the word “ceasefire” from the court order. What the court has ordered is very close to that. It has explicitly ordered the Israeli military to stop killing Palestinians.

That is absolutely clear. And while I accept it is tautologous, in the sense it is ordering Israel to obey a convention which Israel is already bound to follow, there could be no clearer indication that the court believes that Israel is not currently obeying it.

So what happens now?

Well, Israel has responded by killing over 180 Palestinian civilians since the order was given from the International Court of Justice.

If that continues, South Africa may return to the court for more urgent measures even before the ordered monthly report from Israel is due. Algeria has announced it will take the order to the U.N. Security Council for enforcement.

I doubt the United States will veto. There has been a schizophrenic reaction from Israel and its supporters to the ICJ Order.

On the one hand, the ICJ has been denounced as anti-Semitic. On the other hand the official narrative has been (incredibly) to claim Israel actually won the case, while minimising the coverage in mainstream media.

This has been reinforced by the massive and coordinated attack on UNRWA, to create alternative headlines. 


It is difficult to both claim that Israel somehow won, and at the same time seek to block UNSC enforcement of the order. My suspicion is that there will be a continuing dual track: pretending that there is no genocide and Israel is obeying the “unnecessary” order, while at the same time attacking and ridiculing the ICJ and the wider U.N.

No matter what the ICJ said, Israel would not have stopped the genocide; that is the simple truth.

The immediate reaction of the U.S. and allies to the order has been to try to accelerate the genocide by crippling the U.N.’s aid relief work. I confess I did not expect anything quite that vicious and blatant.


The wheels of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small. The ICJ having flagged up a potential genocide so strongly, it may well fall to judges in individual nations to restrain international support for the genocide.

As I explained in detail, the Genocide Convention has been incorporated into U.K. law by the International Criminal Court Act of 2001.

There will, beyond any doubt, have been minutes issued by Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office  legal advisers warning of ministers being at risk of personal liability in U.K. law for complicity in genocide now, should arms shipments and other military and intelligence cooperation with the Israeli genocide continue.

In the U.S., hearings started already in California on a genocide complicity suit brought against Joe Biden.

Of course I wish this would all work faster. It will not. The U.N. General Assembly may suspend Israel from the U.N.

There are other useful actions to be taken. But this is a long slog, not a quick fix, and people like you and I continue to have a vital role, as everybody does, in using the power of the people to wrest control from a vicious political class of killers.

This was a good win. I am pleased that this course for which I advocated and lobbied has worked and increased pressure on the Zionists, and that my judgment that the International Court of Justice is not just a NATO tool like the corrupt International Criminal Court, has been vindicated. 

It cannot help the infants killed and maimed last night or those to die in the coming few days. But it is a glimmer of hope on the horizon.

Craig Murray is an author, broadcaster and human rights activist. He was British ambassador to Uzbekistan from August 2002 to October 2004 and rector of the University of Dundee from 2007 to 2010. His coverage is entirely dependent on reader support. Subscriptions to keep this blog going are gratefully received.

This article is from CraigMurray.org.uk.

The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Consortium News.

(A partir de; Consortium News)

quinta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2024

Free Assange – O jornalismo, a informação e a verdade são direitos e não crimes!


O jornalismo, a liberdade de expressão e de imprensa são direitos – de cidadania – e não crimes; particularmente quando praticados fora dos EUA e por jornalistas não americanos.

E, a divulgação da verdade, por mais incómoda que possa ser para os poderes (políticos e/ou económicos) é (ou deveria ser) um dever de todos os jornalistas dignos desse título ...


quinta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2024

100 dias de guerra genocida em Gaza; traduzidos em números




In Numbers: 100 days of Israel’s genocidal war against Palestinians in Gaza

By Press TV Website Staff

The Israeli regime's genocidal war on the blockaded Gaza Strip has completed 100 days.

From corpses lying unattended on the streets to hospitals and schools reduced to rubble to children made orphans and tens of thousands of people rendered homeless, the gory events unfolding in the besieged territory since October 7 are a textbook example of genocide and ethnic cleansing.

The death toll in the coastal territory since the Israeli regime launched its indiscriminate aerial and ground attacks exactly 100 days ago is now close to 24,000, most of them children and women.

Almost all hospitals and medical centers in the Gaza Strip have become defunct due to infrastructure damages as well as the lack of electricity and fuel to keep the essential services running.

Schools and universities have also been bombed. Bakeries remain shut. Almost all refugee camps have been rendered uninhabitable due to random strikes, forcing people to sleep under the open sky.

The 100 days of Israeli genocide in Gaza, based on the data released by the Gaza government:

The most important statistics of the genocidal war waged by the “Israeli” occupation regime on the Gaza Strip since October 7.

100 – the number of days of the latest genocidal war on Gaza

24,000 – the total number of fatalities in Gaza since Oct. 7

1,993 – the number of massacres committed by the regime since Oct. 7

30,843 – the number of people killed or missing since Oct. 7

23,843 – the number of people who were declared dead in hospitals

10,400 – the number of children killed since Oct. 7

7,100 – the number of women killed since Oct. 7

337 – the number of doctors and paramedics killed since Oct. 7

45 – the number of civil defense personnel killed since Oct. 7

117 – the number of Palestinian journalists killed since Oct. 7

7,000 – the number of people missing, 70 percent of them children and women

60,317 – the number of people injured since Oct. 7

6,200 – the number of injured people who need to travel for treatment

10,000 – the number of cancer patients who face the risk of death

99 – the number of health practitioners who have been arrested

10 – the number of journalists arrested since Oct. 7

2 million – the number of displaced people in the Gaza Strip

400,000 – the number of people with infectious diseases as a result of displacement

134 – the number of government buildings destroyed since Oct. 7

95 – the number of schools and universities completely destroyed since Oct. 7

295 – the number of schools and universities partially destroyed by the occupation

145 – the number of mosques completely destroyed since Oct. 7

243 – the number of mosques partially destroyed since Oct. 7

3 –  the number of churches targeted and destroyed since Oct. 7

69,300 – the number of housing units completely destroyed since Oct. 7

290,000 – the number of housing units partially destroyed since Oct. 7

65,000 – tons of explosives dropped by the occupation on Gaza since Oct. 7

30 – The number of hospitals taken out of service by the occupation since Oct. 7

53 – the number of health centers that have become non-functional since Oct. 7

150 – the number of health institutions partially destroyed since Oct. 7

121 – the number of ambulances destroyed by the occupation army since Oct. 7

200 – the number of archaeological and heritage sites destroyed since Oct. 7


(A partir de; Press Tv)

domingo, 14 de janeiro de 2024

Descrevendo a chacina, a carnificina em massa e o abominável (2)



Apresentação no Tribunal Internacional de Justiça (TIJ) da acusação contra israel, pela África do Sul (no passado dia 11 de Janeiro), por uma guerra genocida e de práticas, várias, genocidas contra a população palestiniana presa e controlada no gueto de Gaza, desde 1967.

sábado, 13 de janeiro de 2024

Descrevendo a chacina, a carnificina em massa e o abominável ….



- Apresentação no Tribunal Internacional de Justiça (TIJ) da acusação contra israel, pela África do Sul (no passado dia 11 de Janeiro), por uma guerra genocida e de práticas, várias, genocidas contra a população palestiniana presa e controlada no gueto de Gaza, desde 1967.

- A chacina da potência colonizadora israelita já provocou, até à data, mais de 23 000 mortos, destes mais de 16 100 (cerca de 70%) são mulheres e crianças. Sem quantificar os milhares de mortos que se encontram a apodrecer sob os escombros e as dezenas de milhar de feridos.

- De referir que se trata da 5ª ou 6ª guerra de israel contra a população na Faixa de Gaza desde 2008.

- De salientar, ainda, que a classificação de 'guerra' parece no mínimo inadequada; uma vez que enquanto israel possui um dos exércitos mais bem equipados do mundo (devido ao Padrinho americano), a população palestiniana não tem exército, força aérea, marinha, tanques, caças F-16, caças F-35, helicópteros apache, mísseis, etc, etc, etc ….